If you are my friend on Facebook you know that I along with a couple of girlfriends are training to run the Country Music Half Marathon in Nashville on April 27, 2013. For me it started out as just 10K training for a local race. I have never been much for running, yeah it's a good workout but goodness who wants to run for more than 10-15 minutes at a time! So boring! I have always told myself I would NEVER run more than 5K (I guess I'm eating those words now!). I started training in December for the 10K and that turned into well lets all do a Half Marathon together! I'm not really sure how 'never' turned into 'Ok I'm going to do this', maybe it's because I have a wonderful support system of family and friends that keep me motivated with SnapChats and group-chat texting, who help me figure out what to eat and what to push myself to do next....Either way this journey has definitely changed my mindset on running! When I started out in December let me tell you I hated it, I mean H-A-T-E-D it! It was cold I was tired and my running days just seemed like such a hassle! But to my surprise I stuck with it....And each week I was able to run father and faster and I was even starting to enjoy it (Can you believe?! Because I sure can't!). This past Saturday I ran 10 miles, 10 MILES!!!!!! Did I have some amazing time record, well no, but I ran 10 MILES without stopping and without walking. I'm still questioning if it really happened, I'm thinking maybe I just dreamed it...but no I have proof!

I wish I would have chronicled more of this adventure, but at least starting this late we are almost to the exciting part! I'm so glad that I stuck with my running plans because I have grown to relish the moments during a run where you just feel so powerful so free, like you could accomplish anything in the world! Corny I know, but so true! I saw this picture the other day that pretty much describes it completely.
I have had a couple of friends ask about what plan I have been using, so I will post the link(I started the 10K and went right into the 1/2 when I was done with it)
Women's Health 10K Plan here
Half Marathon Training Plan here
I'll leave you with this quote from John Bingham,
"If your run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run"
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