Friday, November 2, 2012

New to this blogging buisness

So I am not doing a good job of keeping this blog updated! I'll definitely have to work on that!  I am thinking I want to start incorporating recipes/cooking! Just some updates since my last post.  We had our family pics done! Haven't seen them all but here's a sneak peak!
As you can tell, I didn't wear either outfit (see previous post!) The red dress looked too formal with Spencer's attire (but you will see it again!) And they were out of the navy dress in my size until about a week until we were supposed to take pictures..I ordered it online and it got there the evening we took pictures! Oh well! 

We got a kitten...that lasted about 2 days, Chipper just wouldn't have it

Halloween was a success, Spencer was a Lumber Jack and I was the infamous Honey Boo Boo Child

All in all, life is good! Hectic and busy, but definitely very good! It's been 4 months into married life and no major complaints yet! ;)  

Until next time! (hopefully it will be a bit sooner than this!)